vey/vem, zey/zem or dey/dem; not they/them please
old for a yinglet. like 27 or so
bip is a yinglet like from that one comic. looks like some of the Odd Ones are, uh, especially odd.
vey use f/v for θ/ð
if you are drawing them
- thank you for agreeing to this herculean task. sixteen legs! lol
- the jewellery and vitiligo blotches can just be placed at random. don’t worry about things like that.
- garish clothing patterns are nice but optional. if you can't get your paint program to do most of the work then something simple is fine.
- the vitiligo shows up in the fur on veir shins/forearms, veir chin, and hairless parts like inside veir ears or on veir paw pads
- vey’re pretty old, so the hair on veir head, ears, and thighs is going a bit grey
- try whatever colour of hair dye/nail polish you feel like, obviously